Four of a Kind

I’ve never actually played poker but from what I understand Four of a Kind is a pretty good hand to be holding because the chances are against it.

In families, Four of a Kind is really playing against the odds as well. In a study done by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, 6,000 familes were studied. 463 of those families had four children. Of them, only 67 were all same gender. That’s only 15%.

Why am I telling you this? We had an ultrasound done of our baby yesterday and it looks like we’re holding four of a kind. Another girl! There was lots of kicking and wiggling and grabbing her feet but the doctor got a good look and said there were definately “girl parts.”

So we join the exclusive club of four girls and now I am officially out-numbered. And I love it!

About mikedellosso

Mike Dellosso is an author of wide-eyed suspense. He writes stories that not only entertain but enlighten.

Posted on October 26, 2010, in Family, parenting and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Congratulations again! God wants to make sure you don’t get out of this world without understanding women. 🙂


  2. Aww, this is great news. Praying for a healthy little sweetie for you and Jen. Baby D will have three GREAT sisters to look up to. Hope you have already started saving for those FOUR weddings!!! God bless you all.


  3. Wow, Mike. Four of a kind wins every time. ;P


  4. Congratulations, Mike! Love ‘the journey’ comment of understanding women!! LOL

    Congrats also for the ACFW bookclub read for Darlington Woods!


  5. Congratulations, Mike! I’m the only female in an all male household, so…you’ll survive! Just make sure you have your own bathroom and you’ll be set! 🙂


  6. Shawna Franklin

    Congratulations Dellossos! What exciting news! I bet the girls are super excited. Miss you guys!


  7. This is great! Congratulations!


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