FRANTIC Giveaways!

The time has come to give away some books!

FRANTIC releases in six days and I plan to give away a book a day until February 7. On the 7th I’ll give away as many as 5 books.

FRANTIC is the story of three unlikely heroes fighting to survive in a world where every card seems stacked against them. The story moves at a lightning pace and leaves you feeling, well, frantic. But there’s also a message in there, an important word for all of us about faith and trust and what’s really important. You won’t want to miss this one.

Here’s the back cover copy:

Can a deranged serial killer be stopped before it’s too late?

For gas station attendant Marny Toogood it’s just another day on the job when an urgent message from a young girl in the backseat of a car draws him into a daring rescue attempt. Now on the run with the girl and her brother, Marny begins to realize he must conquer his own past and surrender all to Christ.

As they face kidnapping, underground cults, and other evils, can Marny trust the simple faith of a child and stand his ground against a power so twisted?

So here’s how it will work. Between now and midnight February 6th, leave a comment each day somewhere on this blog to be entered to win the daily giveaways.

Then, “like” my Facebook author page to be entered to win a copy on February 7th. If you’ve already liked it you’re already entered. But here’s the clincher. Our goal is to reach 700 likes (that’s only 135 more). If we reach that goal I’ll be giving away 5 copies of FRANTIC. So please, tell your friends, share the news, pass it along. Free is good, right?

About mikedellosso

Mike Dellosso is an author of wide-eyed suspense. He writes stories that not only entertain but enlighten.

Posted on February 1, 2012, in Book Reviews, Frantic, Giveaways and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 92 Comments.

  1. I am still praying for a chance to win. I love your stories!


  2. I love your books and would love to win one.


  3. Here is today’s entry.


  4. Reggie Greenleaf

    A cold rainy day in NC, a hot chocolate, a fire and a Mike Dellosso book! Best day ever!


  5. I’m a new reader, just found your page through Travis Thrasher, one of my favorites. Gotta sign up for the giveaway! 🙂


  6. Travis got me looking here too!


  7. PICK ME!!!


  1. Pingback: Fifth Winner Announced in Mike Dellosso’s “FRANTIC” Giveaway! | One Desert Rose

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