The Darlington Society (A Thousand Sleepless Nights) Announced!

Sebastian Kneipp and his followers, 1880s, gel...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before I announce the group, I want to thank everyone who put their name in the hat for The Darlington Society. I love this little group and truly believe God has his hand on it. Narrowing it down is a tough job and not one I take lightly. There are always a few names I agonize over (not in a bad way).

Congratulations to the active members this time around. I’m sure we’ll have a fruitful time interacting for the next five months and I’m looking forward to working with each of you. I think we have a great team.

Okay, without further stalling, here are the new active members of The Darlington Society (A Thousand Sleepless Nights):

Kevin Hill
Pat Russell
Terri Conrad
Shane Werlinger
Vie H.
Susan Snodgrass
Cynthia Howerter
Kim Ford
Carly Kendall
Melinda Williams
Marvin Wiley
Jill Jones
Kyle Waalen
Josh Rollins
Annette Davidson
Drake Anderson
Linda Wagner
Angela Bycroft
Nikole Hahn
Donnalynn Davis
Jim Kerfien
Heather McBride
Bruce Brady
Claudette Wood
Mark Buzard
Tim George

Again, congrats to all the new members. I hope you find the time you spend in this little group worth your while.

I’ll be sending out a welcome email to all of you sometime next week and the new group will officially begin July 1. Stay tuned . . .

About mikedellosso

Mike Dellosso is an author of wide-eyed suspense. He writes stories that not only entertain but enlighten.

Posted on June 22, 2012, in The Darlington Society, Writing Life and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. Congrats TDS team you’ll have a blast. If your new to the team, please do get behind Mike in prayer and words of encouragement.

    Mike, praying for you as always and can’t wait to read A Thousand Sleepless Nights…



  2. I’m thrilled to be considered and am so looking forward to supporting in any way I can. Thank you for this opportunity to serve. I’m really excited about it!


  3. Being a prayerfully admitted member makes me feel humbled and blessed. I’m very excited to be on the team!


  4. Thank you Mike. I’m really looking forward to continuing to support and pray for your ministry. Congrats to all the new Darlington Society members.


  5. awesome….. looking forward to hearing more about your new genre’ endeavor


  6. Melinda Williams

    Thanks so much again! I’m very excited about A Thousand Sleepless Nights and look forward to the upcoming months!


  7. Oh, wow! What a privilege. Thank you for the consideration. I look forward to being a part of the team. Cool.


  8. Oh, wow! is right! Thank you,Mike! I am SO looking forward to the next five months working for and praying for you and your new endeavors!!!


  9. Drake Anderson

    Thanks Mike. I am humbled and blessed to have been prayfully considered to be part of the society. I look forward to praying and working with you the next few months. Thanks again.


  10. Thanks so much for this opportunity to be a partner in the Darlington Society! All dignity aside–I’m doing the happy dance here! Ahem. And now back to being a responsible and excited member of the prayer, etc. team. Go Michael King!


  11. One Desert Rose

    Reblogged this on One Desert Rose and commented:
    Congratulations to The Darlington Society, Round Two, members!


  12. I’m looking forward to continuing to support your ministry. 🙂 Thanks for including me again!


  13. Thank you so much Mike. It is an honor to be apart of this team and I will commit to pray and do whatever is asked of me. You are the greatest!


  14. Thank you! What an honor, privilege, and blessing to be prayerfully included in your TDS team. Looking forward to assisting in any way I can over the next five months.


  15. Thank you so much! It is an honor and a privilege for me. God bless.


  16. Congrats to the new and ongoing TDS active membership. I look forward to stepping back a bit as an ongoing member but remaining involved with Mike and his books as the new term approaches. It was an honor to help launch TDS as an active member.


  1. Pingback: Update – The Darlington Society (A Thousand Sleepless Nights) Announced! | MIKE DELLOSSO | Light-at-heart's space

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