Passing Time & Praise/Prayer

Yesterday I went out into the field with a couple other therapists. Kinda get my feet wet stuff. I’ll be doing this for the next week or so as well. All part of the orientation.

Anyway, I found out one thing: this job is going to break my heart over and over again. We visited one lady who, for various health reasons, is basically confined to her tiny two-room, over-cluttered apartment (she can barely maneuver her wheelchair around in it). She had a crochet project she was working on sitting on her lap and when the therapist commented on it, this lady made the comment, “Yeah, no one will ever see it but it passes the time.”

Passes the time until what?

It hit me then that there are people all around us whose whole existence is just “passing the time.” Get through one day to live another . . . and get through that one. How hopeless, how heartbreaking.

So, with that as a segway, let’s move into praise and prayer Friday. I’ve noticed the responses to this over the past few weeks have been waning but that’s okay. Please post a comment about a prayer request that’s been heavy on your heart or a praise about what God has been doing in your life.

My praise is that we had an awesome weekend in Philly last weekend and that, though overwhelming, my first week of work is going very well.

My prayer is that when I get out on my own and start seeing the same patients regularly that I’ll be able to be some kind of positive impact on their life, maybe bring a spark of hope, a ray of sunshine. Something to make their existence more than just passing time.

About mikedellosso

Mike Dellosso is an author of wide-eyed suspense. He writes stories that not only entertain but enlighten.

Posted on March 27, 2009, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Mike, congratulations on the 5K in Philadelphia. A tagged photo showed up on my Facebook page and I got to see the photos — and the excitement all over the faces of three little girls. Right now, I’ve got so much to be thankful for. Or family’s health is good; my two sons are celebrating Missouri’s win over Memphis; my people at work are doing some incredibly innovative things (and will be featured in the Sunday edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s business section); I started a blog that has no comments yet but people have been visiting; all the bulbs I planted last fall are coming up; I have a wife loves me far more than I deserve and a God who is always faithful even though I’m not.So much to be thankful for.


  2. I must praise God for allowing us a blessed time together with family to celebrate my mom’s 76th birthday. I am also praising Him that she is strong and healthy and that she is able to care for her sister who has terminal brain cancer. She is such a powerful testimony of a servant’s heart in my life!!I would also like to ask you to pray for my friend Michelle. She is a recovering addict who has health problems that are getting kind of scary. She has more tests scheduled for Monday. She is losing massive amounts of weight very quickly and having lots of intestinal problems. Please keep her in prayer.I thank YOU Mike for sharing your heart and allowing us to come together for prayer on Friday.


  3. I have not had a chance to post a prayer or praise request in a couple weeks but I am thankful that God is moving in your life and that you are realizing every day that life is not about passing time. My prayer request is not for me; it is for the families of four teenagers that were killed in a car accident nearly two weeks ago. A drunk driver plowed over the car in which they were riding and killed three of them instantly. The fourth, the driver, died the next morning. It really shook up the community where these children lived and the high school they attended. The school where I work is in the same area and many students knew the victims. I am asking that the families be lifted up before God continually as they learn to live life without their babies. I am asking that they be covered in prayer as they have to endure the trial of the drunk driver.I am also asking for prayer for the woman that killed the children. Her mistake cost innocent lives and has affected many, many people. That will be very difficult to live through as well.


  4. We are praising God for my husband’s new job. After over 440 days praying, looking, interviewing, searching, and praying (did I mention praying?), God has opened the door for a new opportunity in Idaho!! And what is even more amazing, is that we are still in our home. We have the house on the market (we’re in TX) and are eagerly awaiting it’s sale. My husband will start his job on April 6th. As for prayers, my health has really been rough the last few weeks and is still not good. We’re not sure if it’s the chronic Lyme disease or something else. *sigh* But…. God is bigger than any problem!


  5. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Mike -A friend works as a home health aide. She’s been able to share Christ with many people, some of them dying. I know the Lord will give you opportunities to bless those you serve.Praise reports: I received two orders this week for parts.So often we take for granted the simple things – until we can’t do them. As I made my bed this morning, I thanked God for the physical strength to do this chore. There was a time when I could barely walk because of back problems. Prayer request: Direction for my life in general – ministry, job, business, writing, house, relationships. Thanks. :)Blessings,Susan


  6. This is a great idea. Thanks for hosting it.I praise God for blessing my friends with a baby girl to adopt and finally take home from the hospital today. Born a preemie, God has watched over her. She is growing stronger everyday.I ask God’s blessing on a student at my kids’ school whose brain tumor is reoccuring. God Bless you Carson and heal you. Again, thanks.


  7. Mike, I praise God for you and people like you who go into the homes of those who need PT. Before my mom died, she had a nurse and physical therapist visit and these people had the chance to make or break her day. I know with your heart, you will be a welcome visitor.I ask for prayer for my family as they learn to live with the loss of my mother.


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