He Also Made the Stars

Ever wonder why the first 9 chapters of 1 Chronicles is nothing but name after unpronounceable name? It sure makes for tough reading. Many people get bogged down in these chapters and I would suspect just skip over them (I’m guilty). But why does God include them?

I think one reason is to show His great love for mankind, to show He cares for each individual and each name that is attached to a specific person is important to Him.

Consider this, on the next clear night, go outside, tilt your head back, and take in the grandeur of a starry sky. Millions, even billions, of points of light, like God took a handful of diamonds and spread them out on a black canvas. It’s a magnificent site. Now, if you have access to a telescope, look at the same sky magnified several times over. Magnificent becomes breath-taking.

You know what God says about the stars? Genesis 1:16 says He also made the stars.

That’s it. No long list of what He named the stars or how they’re positioned or how far away they are from earth. Just He also made the stars. Almost like an afterthought.

Now go to 1 Chronicles and read the first 9 chapters. What do you think is more important to God? People or stars? No where does Scripture say, Oh yeah, He also made man.

Look, I know there’s times in life when God seems distant, the heavens feel closed, and you wonder if He even cares anymore. Here’s a challenge. Whenever you feel that way, go look at that starry sky and remember that the great expanse of light and darkness above you, the millions and millions of balls of fire that occupy space, mean nothing to God compared to the great love He has for you.

About mikedellosso

Mike Dellosso is an author of wide-eyed suspense. He writes stories that not only entertain but enlighten.

Posted on November 7, 2008, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Nice insight.


  2. Susan J. Reinhardt

    Hi Mike -Wow! I never thought of how God places so much emphasis on man as opposed to the creation. He took extra pains with us. Thanks for giving a new slant on the love of God.Blessings,Susan 🙂


  3. Hi Mike!I wanted to invite you to enjoy some book related facts!You’ve been tagged! I hope you will join us!http://berlysue.blogspot.com/2008/11/7-random-book-related-facts-about-me.htmlKim


  4. Psalm 8! Awesome! Jenni XX


  5. Diane L. Harris

    Until I was 14, my family lived on a street where most of the houses on our side backed up to a hilly, city-owned grass field. It was where all the kids on our block played softball in the summertime; and our backyard was a cut-through for every child in the neighborhood every summer day despite my parents’ efforts to stop them. But on summer nights, the “back field” was mine. I’d take out the trash or take one of our short-lived dogs for an outing and then walk out our backyard gate and uphill to “my” spot and lay on my back to stare at the stars and wonder how they got there and I got where I was. I’d have stayed in that spot all night if I didn’t think my parents would be less than amused. Thank you for reminding me that those old stars are still there and still glorious and yet God put more effort into me.Diane L. Harrishttp://www.steppingintothelight.net


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