A Time for Change . . . and a New Direction

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Fork in the road

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to try something new. I’m not afraid of trying, not afraid of failing. I am afraid of regrets.

Go back with me to 2009, I’ve just finished a year-long battle with colon cancer and am having a horrible time getting back into writing. I’ve lost my inspiration, my will, my drive. Cancer has sucked every ounce of fight out of me and has drained me emotionally. Over the next few months things begin to normalize, I start writing again, begin to feel like I’m regaining my creative momentum. Only something is different. I see life in a new light now, view things differently. I still love writing suspense but seem to want more. I want to touch readers on a different level, more personal, more where they are as they live life and struggle through it as I have.

It took me awhile to figure out exactly what was going on inside me but when I did I ran it past my agent and publisher and they both agreed. I needed to branch out and write something that wasn’t suspense, something that was more aimed at the heart, something that dealt with life and love, heartache and triumph. Something that could and would reach a wider audience.

So . . . I began work on my first contemporary drama, A Thousand Sleepless Nights. But there was a problem. Mike Dellosso writes suspense. Readers know that and expect that. And we didn’t want to confuse the market by throwing something totally different at them. So I assumed a pen name–Michael King.

From this point forward I will be two writers: Mike Dellosso who writes suspense, and Michael King who writes contemporary drama. How will I handle all of this? Great question.

I will eventually transition the bulk of Mike Dellosso’s writing and interaction to my Facebook author page. There I will handle all updates, giveaways, thoughts, etc. I’ll still blog right here but primarily to notify you of updates on the Facebook page.

Michael King has a blog and a Facebook page as well but most of his writing and interaction will take place on the blog.

Here’s what I’m asking of you:

  1. If you haven’t yet, go to Mike Dellosso’s Facebook page and “like” it. It’s the primary way you’ll receive updates when I post there. And visit often. I’ll continue to give away books and update everyone on my next suspense novel, The Prodigy.
  2. Visit Michael King’s blog and fill in your email address to follow via email. Peruse the site, check out the “About” page. There I will be blogging regularly (hopefully) about faith and family, life and love, heartache and triumph.
  3. “Like” Michael King’s Facebook page. You can do this by going to the page or from the blog (in the right sidebar).
  4. Please share this with your friends.

I know this is different. It’s risky. It’s bold. But it’s where my heart is taking me and where I believe God is leading me. Join me on the journey and let’s see where this crazy road will take us.

To celebrate this new direction, I’m giving away three SIX copies of Frantic to those who visit Michael King’s blog and leave a comment. Winners will announced Friday.

About mikedellosso

Mike Dellosso is an author of wide-eyed suspense. He writes stories that not only entertain but enlighten.

Posted on March 13, 2012, in Frantic, Giveaways, Michael King, Writing Life and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. You are absolutely right about allowing a free download. I never pass up the opportunuty. It was the first time I even heard your name. I received a fee download of Scream. It was fantastic. I saw the dowload on Christian Book Club where I buy most everything but took Barnes and Noble free copy. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the book. I was reading well into the night. Not only a great thriller but I love how you weaved he Christian principles into the story. I have alrady told several friends about the book. Thank you for reaching people about not just believing in God but the realization that we must have a personal relationship with him. You are now one of my favorite authors. God bless.


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